08 Haziran 2016 4523 0 AGILE DEVELOPMENT Hakan Aksungar
Organization transformations start within the company.
Especially every employee in the company should try to transform themselves.
If you believe in the transformation of employees, you cannot stop the change. Freewill is the decision making process of a human. Our choices for the future forms our decisions and there can be various alternatives scenario. Some of them will have bad outcomes and some will be good. When we do these choices we should select the most rational and useful ones and search the best for ourselves and reveal it. Our choices about our life is the ones which makes us who we are.This responsibility belongs to us and cannot be transfered to another person. To understand our truths and find out our real values, we need to work hard in a challenging environment. To reach the best results in you specialty in the company, you have to develop you technical and behavioral forms. We should build our attitudes and behaviors, faith, effort, thoughts, what we say, choices and relationship with others from scratch. In another saying our maturity effort should continue for your future. Being productive, efficient, achieving quality results and being appreciated makes us feel valuable in terms of motivation. When we realize ourself we can achieve the final objectives we deserve by stating a Maslow high level Self-Actualization. In companies where employees are motivated to be the best in themselves, these companies can go forward with team synergy. The companies without strategic objectives or transformation vision losses time chancing imaginary objectives and risk current resources and business. You should remember that the competition in business world is tougher and to produce creative ideas innovation is needed rather than traditional business. Business world is not tolerant for laxity. If you companies has fallen behind a few times, all the employees in the company should work harder to achieve your old position. In today's world when companies are developing new products agility and flexibility are important in competition environment. Traditional ordered approaches are becoming outdated in new product development. Instead of order approaches (Traditional methods) iterative approaches that are integrative are starting to be used. This integrative approach is;
- Transparency
- Human based work
- Circular business units
- Self-organizing project teams
- Observation and adaptation
- Learning rate and organizational information transfer
For new way of product development a fast and flexible modeling can act as a cohesive agent. There is a need for creating a market based environment and process definitions with creativity and traditional project management's rigid effect on organizational structure cannot achieve that. Does silo based vertical organizational structures meet the expectation or there is a need for rethinking and redesigning?
As Project Management disciple become popular in Turkey in 2000, organizations evolved into matrix type. Today with Agile Development Approaches organizations are talking about horizontal transition methods and developing revolutionary theories.We will hear more examples of how the companies will change into horizontal structures such as Holacracy, Management 2.0 or Beyond Budgeting which is Enpower &Adapt from vertical pyramid structure of Command & Control, the obstacles for this transformation in our society and correct or wrong applications of empower & adap. Companies can try new organization structures to perform Transformation with their high capacity employees.The meaning of self-realizing the attributes is how can employees use their attributes and improve them. Team consists of individuals with different attributes. Team members should carefully define their own risks and opportunities, advantages and disadvantages, strength and weaknesses. As the employees adopt this understanding they can see the opportunity to express their own potential with their free will and develop themselves both in technique and behaviour.
There is no such thing as impossible.
Everything is possible with human will.
The ones who can think outside the box, imagine with free wills, find the opportunity to use their imagination can achieve the impossible.