Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as a Project Manager

09 Mayıs 2013 9018 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Fonksiyon360

When I was 14, my father gave NUTUK of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as a gift in modern Turkish. My aim to read this is to learn all the stages and hard times during Independence War of Turkey. 

I was very proud to tell in great pleasure , the information I learn from this book as a detailed history lesson .

After all these years, I have decided to go through Nutuk. This time my aim is to evaluate War of Independance process and M. Kemal Atatürk, the project manager of the process. It can be seen that Kemal ATATÜRK has applied project management. 

In many of project management books you will see the following under "Role and Responsibility of a Project Management
of the current situation

  • Identification of Target
  • Establishment of organizational structure
  • To provide the motivation of the team
  • Project planning and control
  • Assign the right people for the right jobs - Delegation
  • Identify the anticipated risks and prevention methods
  • Seek financial planning and making the necessary approval
  • Elimination of problems in project teams clash
  • Progress reporting
  • Create solutions to problems

This expression can be further increased . My aim is to reveal how Atatürk have accomplished the above roles and responsibilities as his sayings in Nutuk.

My other goal , is to provide to the project members who have extensive theoretical knowledge about project management

It only has first two sections of Nutuk. More detailed examination of Independence War of Turkey within the framework of project management science, I'll leave to you dear reader Thus I will try to capture the attention of the reader to see the faces of this war.

Especially as a reader (as Atatürk wrote on Nutuk) please note the addressing and determination int the speeches. Communication is so important in a project what I'm sure will be better understood .

However you will witness how Atatürk divides the project into stages and defined every stage with different criteria and hypothesis. I am leaving the numerous problems he has face sin this path to you. (How many of us who wants to achieve the project objectives , had the threat being arrested or assassinated)

I would like to remind that Ataturk Nutuk`put the basic objective of the first part of the project  as follows :


The basic principle of the Turkish nation and the dignity to live as an honorable nation . This principle can only be achieved by having full independence . No matter how rich and in abundance independence deprived nation , civilized humanity can not be seen worthy treatment from a slave in the face of the earth.  

Withdrawal of foreign accept a state protect human qualities, and is not a weakness to admit to nothing more than laziness . Indeed, those who did not fall into this shame , will never be given a chance to bring foreign masters per willingly. However Turkish dignity , pride and capabilities is very high and large. this nation than disappear to live such a captive nation 

Than independence or death First Chapter: State of Anatolia and Independence Solutions In another way we will try to investigate the leading process with sacralizing the objectives and the power to drive people to these objectives. 

When we investigate this project sample in terms of Project Management, we should remember that with your opinions and ideas we can create a beneficial discussion environment.

Please tell in detail the part I have not covered in this article. Thus we can detailed analyses this subject. 

Part I: Anatolia Situation in the First World War and Liberation Remedies

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk , starts Nutuk in War of Independence struggle as adopted by the May 19, 1919 and penned the opening stages throughout the entire fight .

Investigating the Situation
As a Project Manager Ataturk , the effects of which led to the start of the War of Independence Nutuk` project was evaluated very wide angles . In other words , the reasons for this project , clearly identify the causes and even history .

For example, the overall situation in the country which represents the following words :

"Group in which the Ottoman State is in, was defeated in the First World War , the Ottoman army on all sides scuffed , heavy conditions signed a ceasefire agreement . In the long years of Big War, poeple were tired and poor. Leader who dragged the Nation to World War I. fled the country fell to recovery concerns their own lives. Sitting in the Sultanate and Caliphate authority Vahiddettin is degenerated  and searching for flagrant measurement to himselve and the throne. Ferid Pasha `s government headed helpless , dishonorable and cowardly . He alone is willing to bow to the monarch 's will and in any case they can protect themselves with him.
Weapons and ammunition from the hands of the army are taken

Allied Powers , they found it unnecessary to comply with the provisions of the ceasefire agreement  With a pretext Allied navy and soldiers are in Istanbul . Adana is occupied by French; Urfa, Maraş, Ayıntap (Gaziantep) are occupied by Britain. In Antalya na Konya there are Italian forces and in Merzifon and Samsun there are British forces. 
Each side operates with foreign officers, officials and special agents . Finally, four days before we received our initial conversation , May 15th 1919 , the İtilâl States of Izmir, were passed on to the assent of the Greek Army . 

"It descended a bit more detail after describing the general appearance of the first mentions of the enemy invasion to justify running the organization

In the center of Istanbul Trabzon and the Decentralisation Community  name of the objective and political goal is clear . In any case, the purpose is meant to leave the center .

There is Kurdih Community in Diyarbakır, Bitlis, Elazığ which is operated from İstanbul. The aim of this community is to form a Kurdish state.

There is fear of Rum Pontus in Black Sea. Muslims have established a society in Trabzon to protect Rum and provide them rights and free living environment.

Teali-i Muslim Community is try to be established in Konya. In the country there are Freedom, Peace and Security Associations.

One of the bodies was considered important in Istanbul British Friendship Society . This is the name , does not to say that an association of the friends the British. I think establishing this association with those who oversee their own party and their own interests , their own interests to protect resort Lloyd George ( Loyt Corc ) are seeking to provide the British protectorate through government. These poor people , who are aiming to protect and patronage the Ottoman's to requests they have received is not a time to get into is worth considering .

The members of this associations are Ottoman Suktan Vahdettn, Ferid Pasha, Interior minister Ali Kemal, Adil and Mehmet Ali Bey and Sait Molla. There are some adventurer such as Reverent Frew. Reverent Frew was the head of the associations. 

The current state of the army was also stated:

"..Located in Balikesir and Bursa 61st and 56th Division 's headquarters and 14. Corps in Bandırma which is lined to İstanbul were the army forces. The commander of the corps was Yusuf İzzer Pasha.

I, as the Army Inspector of 3. Army was in Samsun. There were two corpses under my command. One of them was 3 Corps located in Sivas. The commander was Colonel Refet Bey. One the divisions of this corps was in Amasya (5 Caucasian Division) and other was in Samsun. The other was 15 Corps in Erzurum. The commander was Kazım Karabekir Pahsa. .." 

After this evaluation M. Kemal tells the aim and identification of himself in Samsun. In the paragraph below, authorit of M. Kemal can be seen.

"... I have more to command this two corps (Sivas 3. Corps and Diyarbakır 13. Corps) where I can notify the military units close to inspection area. At the same time I can notify my zone and the nearby states.

According to this authority , the inspectors found that 20. Corps in Ankara and affiliated it with the corps in Diyarbakir I was able to build relationships with almost all of Anatolia civil administration authority and correspondence would do .

It may surprise you that this broad powers to take me from Istanbul and Anatolia by the submitters in order to remove. I should note that they did not give this authroity knowingly. No matter what they wanted me away from İstanbul and they send me to Samsun to see the problems there and take precautions. I stated that I need authority to complete this missions. They did not object. I met with one who sensed my intention is to some degree. They found the inspenctor duty and I wrote the authority instructions. Minister of War Şahir Pasha hesitated to sign after reading the instructions but sealed it. 

Mustafa Kemal wrote the following lines in the summary nature of the current complex situation in order to grasp easily have been penned . Thus, the overall situation is portrayed in the mind easily

I want to share exactly this text briefly to remind you that the conditions under which national struggle began . (Note: The people are the current deputies of that period.)

After this statement, taking the overall situation into a narrower framework , together let's review quickly and easily:

Enemy states are in physical and spiritual attacks in the past against the Ottoman state and country. They decided to destroy and share it. Sultan and Khalifa was only thinking to save his life and comfort. Government was in the same situation. Although aware that the folks who have remained headless , is waiting in the darkness and uncertainty will end. Beginning to grasp the horror and weight of the disaster , according to the environment and the impact they can take measures they say they are admitted to the liberation of their own choice ... Military was in bad shape. Commander were tired from World War I, people were sad and tires and everybody was in search for salvation from the dark environment. 

A very important point which should also be mentioned here , and I should explain . The nation and the army , as they are unaware of the Sultan and Khalifa's treachery, that authority and religion and tradition that is centuries against ingrain in office , ties are therefore sincere and faithful bowed to come . The nation and the army on the one hand searching for salvation remedy and on the other hand think of recovery and immunity of the caliphate and the supreme authority. They could not grasp the salvation without sultan or khalifa... The people who contradict with this ideas would have rough time.! Immediately this person will be irreligious, stateless , and would be treacherous unwanted person 

Another important point is also be noted . When searching for independence solutions, it was important not to offed states such as England, France and Italy. The delusion was int he heads of everyone, that they cannot face one of these states. In addition to Ottoman State, facing Allied Forces who have beaten Germany, Austria-Hungary were the most illogical and unreasonable act. 

It was not only people with the same mentality ; especially the elite and intellectuals called people thought so too.

So, there would not be two things when looking for salvation remedy . First, Allied States will not be threated hostile then, the Sultan and Khalifa's basic requirement would be attached and remain faithful

My best friend Koray Tulgar 's casting Mustafa Kemal Company Management / From Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Organization and Human Management Courses wich was quoted from the book.





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