What Does PMBOK Guide VI Brings?

02 Haziran 2016 5122 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Fonksiyon360

We were invited to Innovations around the World in Fast Changing Project Management - What Does PMBOK Guide VI Brings? seminar held by İPYD members and volunteers with cooperation of İTÜ ARI Technocity and Istanbul Project Management Society.

Ahmet Taşpınar with his pleasant attitude provided us some information of PMI EMEA group in 10th of May in Barcelona in PMBOK Guide renewing leaded by Dr.  David Hillson.

In every four years PMI renews the PMBOK Guideline with ANSI Standards. I was guessing what will come in PMBOK Project Management Information Guideline version 6 in the latest version of PMBOK 5. Before sharing the notes that I have made in the guideline, I first want to share when this PMBOK Guideline 6 will be in our hands and what the agenda is. 

  • Draft text will be completed (June - July) 
  • All the comments will be reviewed (July - September)
  • Integration, Quality Control and Final Editing will be completed (September - November)
  • Management approval and transition PMI distribution will be made (November - December)

To summarize original English print will be in our hands in the beginning of 2017. When will the Turkish PMBOK Project Management Information Guideline Version 6 be in our hand is unknown, there may be some afforts in PMI Turkey Chapter side.

In general PMBOK 6 version is planned to have EASIER than other versions.  

  • Processes in this version will not be as Inputs & Tools & Techniques & Outputs . Tools & Techniques will be a separate subject as  Summary of Tools & Techniques, and in Project Management Processes it will be told as Inputs and Outputs.  
  • The name of Information Section is changing.

The content of Project Procurement Management will change, it will be developed in line with theoretical and practical applications and international standards will be covered more. "Close Procurements" processes will be included in " Controlling Procurements". Following ISO 21500 it will be included in "Administer Procurement".

In Project Communications Management information section, Communications and Communication will be separated. While Communication = is represents data transfer and data sharing between people,
Communications = represents outputs in communication processes (Reports, Presentations, Meetings and face-to-face communication, e-mail) and similar processes. 

Project Quality Management will be include in Quality Assurance, Managing Quality.  Quality Management will be evaluated in Tools&Techniques again.

Instead of Project Human Resource Management Information section Project Resource Management name will be used in new version. Therefore not only Human Resources but also all the resources in Time Management information area will be focused and processes will change.

In Project Scope Management Information area, in addition to Project Scope Product Scope will also take a huge part. PMI's Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide will be based to make sure every customer need and product expectations are met. Working of Project Manager and  Business Analyst together will be debated. . Some of them will be included in suitable Agile practices.

In Project Risk Management information area Implement Risk Response section is added.

  •  PMBOK 5 includes total of 47 processes, 1 processes is excluded, 3 new processes are added and  version 6 has total of 49 processes.  
  • PMI education will be evaluated in 3 dimensions; Technical, Strategic, Leadership  Educations Firms will accreditate the education for PMI and redesign for new PDU notifications. When participants apply for PDU, these information will be evaluated by PMI.
  • In the new version Project Manager will be free in deciding what processes to use in the Project as in older versions.
  • In the new version Iterative, Adaptive & Agile approaches will be covered more.

To summarize...

In the new version of PMI, Agile approaches are added. 

PMBOK Guideline Version 6 looks more AGILE.

The change is inevitable...





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