The basis of development is the idea of searching better.
The transformation is the transformation itself.
In this article, let's first try to give answers to the following questions so that we have information about how digital transformation should be done.
Let's start with the questions in our head first, then try to find the answers.
- How a successful digital transformation occurs.
- What kind of management organization is needed for successful digital transformation?
- Digital transformation does not escape, why?
- What opportunities and risks does digital transformation bring to our organization?
- How will you provide distorted balances during transformation?
- Are all Digital transformation projects successful?
The increasingly global competition, even companies that have experienced and secured the market for many years, are forced to make digital transformation. Because if there is no change / transformation, it will not be in development.
Transformation is also about being open to innovations and learning constantly.
Employees who will carry out the corporate transformation must demonstrate exemplary behavior within the company and ensure that they converge around the change objective. The creation of change / transformation agents with a common mind that believes in transformation and demonstrates the belief in change through its behavior should be one of the first steps in institutional transformation.
Within the framework of vision, strategic objectives are to be set and desired
How to measure the degree of approach to targets (performance parameters) should be determined.
Vision should create excitement that will facilitate the use of target-oriented initiative, easily expressable, and change the future that reveals a dream.
That is why priority should be given to fast acquisitions as well as long-term acquisitions while digital transformation is planned. The widespread short-term gains help increase the belief in transformation and spread it across all levels.
In order to make the transformation, leaders need a support consisting of team members that will facilitate the change from within and outside the organization. Transformation leaders help everyone in every level, from the executive board to the factory worker, to be owned at all levels, and especially around the change of being a respectable person. It is important that the owners of the transformation also have the skills and competence to make the change. Ensuring the management's word and action unity helps increase confidence and business co-operation.
When management decides to change, it can not expect transformation to occur outside of itself.
Transformation is not spontaneous, it does not achieve self-sufficiency in good faith and effortlessly. The place where change will start is the Administration of the Administration.
One of the obstacles in front of transformation is the proper shaping of performance management systems after transformation. It is not possible to motivate employees without changing incentive systems that reflect old values and are established to protect those values. If the information systems required by the new system are not established, the informed decision-making process will not work.
Transformation projects begin by changing the Information Technologies and Human Resources Management Systems. Information Technologies and the Human Resources Management System will ensure transformation and institutionalization of transformation after adaptation with change.
When employees do their jobs, they look at what senior management does, not how they say it. Employees make their own decisions.
Transformation leaders are self-evaluators; Those who aim at continuous improvement, who value humanity, who accept continuous learning, openness, participation and sharing as a philosophy of life and reflect this understanding to their behavior.
Institutions need to be able to provide and support change managers at all levels in order to sustain their transformational competencies. The manager does not have to know everything at work (he does not know) and neither side has to be flawless. They must make efforts to recapture the mistakes made earlier by trying to find the truth at the later stages, turning the mistakes made into opportunities.
In order to mature things, it is necessary to constantly improve and improve (MAIN). Previously unaffected force fields (power balances - energy fields) enter each other, creating negative energy, causing potential conflicts.
Supporting and encouraging communication based on openness, participation and sharing will enable new "power balances" to be healthier, more flexible and faster. The conflicts and conflicts that arise must be encouraged and supported in order to be resolved in the place where they are formed quickly.