What is CAPM Certification?

31 Ocak 2017 8300 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Şenay Engür Gezergen

Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Certification

It's been years since I graduated. As a graduate of the Department of Business and Industrial Engineering, I had difficulty deciding on a specific field of study. At that time I got acquainted with "Project Management" which will give direction to my career. I took project management training, but I needed to increase my experience in project management to become a PMP. I earned the necessary experience as soon as I became a PMP.

During my years as a PMP, I did not have a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification. If I had to guess, I'd get the CAPM certificate without waiting. This certificate is an initial project management certificate issued by PMI in 2003.

It is a certification that people who do not have the project management experience of 4,500 hours, which is especially in the condition of being a PMP, but can be chosen by career target persons in project management. It may not be a project manager, but you may be a project team member who is involved in projects and wants to take them. Every project manager is happy to work with team members who can speak the same language that dominates the methodologies that will be utilized. For this reason, you will have a CAPM certified person, you will be able to participate in the projects and you will be able to increase your project experience.

A CAPM certificate can also be a good starting point for new graduates. Nowadays project management is spreading in every sector in Turkey and increasing awareness, I think that it is necessary to increase the awareness of CAPM by university students in order to recognize this career path as early as possible and to take this step in this way. This certificate can be regarded as a sign that the new graduate has both project management knowledge and a serious step in the development of this field. In this context, I sometimes collaborate with universities to organize seminars on topics and to raise awareness among young people, I carry out a kind of social responsibility project J

How to become a CAPM

How to get this certificate? You need to enter a test such as the PMP exam, but this exam is easier than the PMP exam 150 questions and a 3 hour exam. There are two options as the test entry condition.

Experience of at least high school diploma and 500 hours project team member
At least high school diploma and 23 hours project management training
If you are providing one of these two conditions, you can apply for the test, pay a $ 300 exam fee today, set the exam date, and gain access to online testing. Again, it works on the basis of trust as it is in PMP exam. If you stay in "audit", you are proving the entrance conditions. Then you can enter the exam and win the CAPM title. 5 years for loop CAPM which is 3 years in PMP.

You can review the following booklet for exam entry details.


As a result, the CAPM exam is an easier test than the PMP exam. You are also working on the PMP exam while working on this test. If you do not have enough experience to be a PMP, you can be CAPM. In addition to these advantages, it should be noted that it is not yet a certificate that has a very big claim in our country, but the prospect is that it will increase in the future. Also, the PMP does not change the process of being. So, if the person with CAPM wants to become a PMP, he has to complete the process of becoming a PMP again. For this reason, there will be an increased cost with two training sessions and two test sessions.

Here's the minus, plus CAPM! The decision is your ...





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