09 Mayıs 2013 6358 0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Fonksiyon360
When the project cannot fully meet customer expectations and demands, it can lead unhappy customers, financial losses and shame.
Determining customer demand/requirements by creating right and complete information structure and determining and identifying most important problems should be inputs to design and realization of the projects.
Customer requirements in many projects are acquired from;
1. Notes taken in face- to-face talks
2. Sketches on the note card
3. or agreement articles
Constructing customer demands/requirements is a hard task. Because it is hard to reach aim and need information about the people and conduct personal evaluation.
Simple "demand" is the definition of capacity or capability of the output product of the project.
Determining requirements is a personal and organizational discipline. 3 main factor characterize a good customer demand determination.
1. Applicability of defined statements in real-life,
2. Directing to customer values
3 Technological independence
Sometime customers buys what he/she wants instead of what he/she needs. The customer does not know what he/she wants is not a preferable approach.
Education process of the customer will help them to get what they need. If you have customers, relation between customer and project will be much more meaningful. The aim of the project manager is to obtain customer satisfaction as a part of the project output and construct a fully understood and accurate agreement on the demand of the customer.
Obtaining, managing and improving demands/requirements need communication skills. Determining opportunity and treats of both requirements and strategies by special language and process including measurement will determine the success.
Customer requirements is an agreement between the customer and project to understand the requirement clearly and accurately. This agreement includes technical and non-technical requirements.
Mostly complained characteristic property of software demands are contradictoriness, missing, uncertainty and variability.